Sunday, July 26, 2015

Blogging about race

July 26

There are parts of writing this blog that are harder than I imagined. I haven't struggled to think of things to write about, but I have struggled to rush from one post to another as I tried to keep up with my one a day posting. At first, I had three going at a time, and then one or two would get deleted. Now, I am just taking more time to write, read and process.

I worry a lot about offending someone. I don't want to offend my white friends or family. I don't want anyone thinking that I believe I have made the morally superior decisions in school choice, in my decision to blog, in my hope to be an anti-racist, etc.

I don't want to offend people of color, and even as I write this, the thought of lumping all white people or all people of color into one group is ridiculous.

I have struggled to stay focused on experiences and thoughts around race that are more personal. I want to write about Harper Lee's new book and how I have always thought Atticus was a racist and the book was not anti-racist in a modern day sense even though I love it. I want to write about March 1, March 2, American Born Chinese and Bad Feminist, all of which talk about race and I recently read. I want to write more about school after every conversation I have with people.

It isn't that I thought it would be easy; it is just hard in ways I didn't anticipate.

I don't want pats on the back; I want someone to say, "have you thought about this or that?" "I was offended and think you are being myopic." I want to start a conversation somehow, but I seem to be just having a conversation with myself (and Curt).

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